Dementia Lab 2022: Personal Stories

  • Tan, J. (Speaker)
  • Lesley Garcia (Speaker)

Activity: Lecture / PresentationOral presentationAcademic


About the DISTINCT Network
Lesley and Josephine are both Early Stage Researchers (ESR’s) within the Distinct
Network, funded by the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network,
under the European Commission’s Horizon 2022 program. Distinct is comprised
of 15 ESR’s in total, based across 8 European countries, and together with their
academic and non-academic partners, the various projects under Distinct aim to
harness the potential of technology to improve the lives of people with dementia
and their carers.
The projects are generally structured under three research themes, namely:
Technology to fulfil potential and obligations at a societal level (where Leslie’s
project falls under), Technology to manage one’s own life, and Technology
enabling participation in social activities (where Josephine’s project falls under).
The Distinct Network is all about collaboration, partnership and networking in
order to bring together creative and innovative ideas across the sector. However,
the start of everyone’s projects coincided with the beginning of the Covid-19
pandemic. This meant that the network had to come up with creative ways to
work on projects and collaborate with each other and various stakeholders of
their projects (people with dementia, their carers, care organizations etc.) by
using the project’s main tool of interest- technology.
Leslie and Josephine have shared experiences with their fellow Distinct
colleagues on what it is like to set-up their projects and work with various
stakeholders completely remotely and online. At the same time, their unique
projects also gave them specific experience and learnings which they would love
to share.
Period22 Sept 2022
Event titleDementia Lab
Event typeConference
LocationLeuven, BelgiumShow on map