Activities per year
- 29 results
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Herkennen en bespreken van depressie en angst bij een visuele beperking
Edine van Munster (Speaker)
13 Oct 2023Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Invited talk › Professional
iScreen: kan een online oogscreening bijdragen aan het verminderen van oogproblemen?
Vera Rooth (Speaker)
13 Mar 2023Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Invited talk › Academic
Detection of depression and anxiety. How to deal with underdetection?
Edine van Munster (Speaker)
13 Sept 2023Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Invited talk › Professional
TREYESCAN: An Eye Tracking and Hazard Viewing Test for Driving with Visual Field Defects
Yasmin Faraji (Speaker)
30 Oct 2022Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Invited talk › Academic
E-mental health for depression and anxiety in patients who receive anti-VEGF treatment: usability, feasibility and cost-effectiveness
Ruth van Nispen (Speaker) & Ger van Rens (Speaker)
3 May 2022Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Invited talk › Academic
Quality of life and participation in children with visual impairment: comparisons to reference groups and agreement between children and parents
Ellen Elsman (Speaker), Mitchel Lc Koel (Speaker), Ruth van Nispen (Speaker) & Ger van Rens (Speaker)
13 Sept 2021Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Invited talk › Academic
Low Vision Research program overview
Ruth van Nispen (Speaker)
6 Oct 2020Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Invited talk › Academic
Belastbaarheid van mensen met een visuele beperking
Ruth van Nispen (Speaker)
2 Oct 2020Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Invited talk › Academic
Low vision rehabilitation for better quality of life in visually impaired adults (Cochrane review)
Ruth van Nispen (Speaker), Gianni Virgili (Speaker), Mirke Hoeben (Speaker), Maaike Langelaan (Speaker), B. Jeroen Klevering (Speaker), Jan E. E. Keunen (Speaker) & Ger van Rens (Speaker)
11 May 2020Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Invited talk › Academic
Maakt maculadegeneratie somber én moe?
Ruth van Nispen (Speaker)
24 Oct 2020Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Invited talk › Academic
Vermoeidheid bij mensen met een visuele beperking
Ruth van Nispen (Speaker) & Manon Veldman (Speaker)
18 Jun 2019Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Invited talk › Academic
Terugblik en toekomstvisie op wetenschap in de visuele sector
Ruth van Nispen (Speaker)
27 May 2019Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Invited talk › Academic
E-nergEYEze: minder moe met E-health
Ruth van Nispen (Speaker)
12 Nov 2019Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Invited talk › Academic
Quick scan literatuur: voeding, leefstijl en oogaandoeningen
Ruth van Nispen (Speaker), Tos Berendschot (Speaker) & Caroline C.W. Klaver (Speaker)
19 Jun 2018Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Invited talk › Academic
Visueel beperkt en somber, angstig of moe: Hoe komt dat en kun je er wat aan doen?
Ruth van Nispen (Speaker)
10 Nov 2018Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Invited talk › Academic
Hearing and vision problems in older persons – causes, psychosocial problems, treatment , and clinical practice (in Dutch).
Marieke Pronk (Invited speaker) & RMA van Nispen (Invited speaker)
5 Oct 2018Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Invited talk › Academic
Participatory Action Research: de rol van onderzoekers, professionals en cliënten
Ruth van Nispen (Speaker) & Lia van der Ham (Speaker)
13 Dec 2018Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Invited talk › Academic
Evidence based interventies voor kinderen en ouderen met een visuele beperking
Ruth van Nispen (Speaker), Ellen Elsman (Speaker) & Wouter Schakel (Speaker)
19 Feb 2018Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Invited talk › Academic
E-PsEYE: digitale zelfhulp ondersteund door maatschappelijk werk bij psychosociale problematiek van anti-VEGF patiënten
Ruth van Nispen (Speaker) & Lisette Paap (Speaker)
16 May 2017Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Invited talk › Academic
Effectiveness of Stepped-care & eHealth for mental health problems in older adults with vision loss
Ruth van Nispen (Speaker), Hilde van der Aa (Speaker) & Ger van Rens (Speaker)
11 Nov 2017Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Invited talk › Academic
What can we learn from resilient older adults with visual impairment?
Ruth van Nispen (Speaker), Hilde van der Aa (Speaker) & Ger van Rens (Speaker)
Sept 2016Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Invited talk › Academic
De ontwikkeling van de Nederlandse 'Participation and Activity Inventory' (PAI) voor kinderen en jongvolwassenen met een visuele beperking
Ellen Elsman (Speaker) & Ruth van Nispen (Speaker)
3 Feb 2016Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Invited talk › Academic
Oogscreening bij Buuurtzorg: voorlopige resultaten
Ruth van Nispen (Speaker), Hilde van der Aa (Speaker), Frank Timmermans (Speaker), Jos de Blok (Speaker), Jan E. E. Keunen (Speaker) & Ger van Rens (Speaker)
20 Oct 2016Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Invited talk › Academic
Diagnostic information on social participation of young adults with visual impairments - a qualitative approach
Ruth van Nispen (Speaker), Ellen Elsman (Speaker), Lisette van Leeuwen (Speaker) & Ger van Rens (Speaker)
19 May 2015Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Invited talk › Academic
Stepped-care to prevent depressive and anxiety disorders in visually impaired older adults: RCT
Hilde van der Aa (Speaker), Ger van Rens (Speaker) & Ruth van Nispen (Speaker)
Feb 2015Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Invited talk › Academic
Intra- en extramurale revalidatie voor mensen met een visuele beperking. Heeft het effect en wat mag het kosten?
Ruth van Nispen (Speaker) & Hilde van der Aa (Speaker)
26 Nov 2015Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Invited talk › Academic
Effects of exercise on depression in frail populations
Hilde van der Aa (Speaker) & Ruth van Nispen (Speaker)
Feb 2015Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Invited talk › Academic
Effects of cognitive behavioral therapy on depression in frail populations
Ruth van Nispen (Speaker) & Hilde van der Aa (Speaker)
Feb 2015Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Invited talk › Academic
Preventing depression and anxiety in visually impaired (older) adults
Ruth van Nispen (Speaker), Hilde van der Aa (Speaker) & Ger van Rens (Speaker)
Nov 2014Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Invited talk › Academic