Project Details
Is selection of patients for endovascular treatment (EVT) with CT perfusion (CTP) cost effective?
Adding the results of CTP is cost effective in selection of patients for EVT
Observational study with a modelled cost effectiveness analysis.
Acute ischemic stroke patients with an intracranial LVO (LVO) of the anterior circulation, admitted for possible EVT. Two
subpopulations are defined: (1) early patients with expected onset to groin puncture time of 6 hours or less and (2) late patients
with expected onset to groin puncture time between 6 and 24 hours after onset or last seen well. Data from the CLOT
MRCLEAN trial, MRCLEAN registry and ongoing CONTRAST trials will be used.
CTP added to usual care to select patients for EVT
Non-contrast CT (NCCT) and CT angiography (CTA) to select patients for EVT.
Primary: the distribution of outcomes on the modified Rankin scale (mRS) at three months.
With usual care an average of 40% of early and late patients will achieve functional independence after EVT. With selection
with CTP we expect an increase to 46%. Sample size calculation with a power of 0,8 and Type 1 error of 5% shows that 1200
prospective inclusions are needed, if 10% of CTP scans are of poor quality. The aim of the data analysis will be the
identification of a reasonable threshold for futility in both the early and the late patients.
The distribution data on costs and outcome will be combined in models to estimate mid- and long-term cost-effectiveness. We
expect that the number of futile EVTs in early patients will reduce by 250 with CTP and 200 additional patients a year will
achieve functional independence (mRS =2). Thus, efficiency of EVT will increase. Shift in distribution of mRS at three months
by intervention strategy will be computed using an ordinal regression model. Incremental cost-effectiveness of adding CTP to
the selection criteria for EVT will be determined in a model-based analysis, by combining data on quality adjusted life
expectancy, conditional mRS categories, derived from the CLOT MRCLEAN 2-year follow up study.
Adding the results of CTP is cost effective in selection of patients for EVT
Observational study with a modelled cost effectiveness analysis.
Acute ischemic stroke patients with an intracranial LVO (LVO) of the anterior circulation, admitted for possible EVT. Two
subpopulations are defined: (1) early patients with expected onset to groin puncture time of 6 hours or less and (2) late patients
with expected onset to groin puncture time between 6 and 24 hours after onset or last seen well. Data from the CLOT
MRCLEAN trial, MRCLEAN registry and ongoing CONTRAST trials will be used.
CTP added to usual care to select patients for EVT
Non-contrast CT (NCCT) and CT angiography (CTA) to select patients for EVT.
Primary: the distribution of outcomes on the modified Rankin scale (mRS) at three months.
With usual care an average of 40% of early and late patients will achieve functional independence after EVT. With selection
with CTP we expect an increase to 46%. Sample size calculation with a power of 0,8 and Type 1 error of 5% shows that 1200
prospective inclusions are needed, if 10% of CTP scans are of poor quality. The aim of the data analysis will be the
identification of a reasonable threshold for futility in both the early and the late patients.
The distribution data on costs and outcome will be combined in models to estimate mid- and long-term cost-effectiveness. We
expect that the number of futile EVTs in early patients will reduce by 250 with CTP and 200 additional patients a year will
achieve functional independence (mRS =2). Thus, efficiency of EVT will increase. Shift in distribution of mRS at three months
by intervention strategy will be computed using an ordinal regression model. Incremental cost-effectiveness of adding CTP to
the selection criteria for EVT will be determined in a model-based analysis, by combining data on quality adjusted life
expectancy, conditional mRS categories, derived from the CLOT MRCLEAN 2-year follow up study.
Layman's description
Het doel van CLEOPATRA is om te onderzoeken of CT perfusie (CTP) scans van toegevoegde waarde zijn bij de selectie van patiënten met een acuut herseninfarct voor endovasculaire thrombectomie (EVT). Hiervoor zal data worden verzameld van 1200 patiënten met een acuut herseninfarct in het vroege (0-6 uur) en het late tijdsvenster (6-24 uur) in de centra die deelnemen aan de CONTRAST studies. De toegevoegde waarde van CTP zal worden bepaald aan de hand van kosteneffectiviteitsanalyses. Ook ligt er een belangrijke rol in de harmonisatie van CTP techniek om ervoor te zorgen dat resultaten onafhankelijk zijn van type scanner en post-processing software. Met selectie op basis van CTP zal het in principe mogelijk zijn de biologische variatie tussen patiënten beter te laten meewegen. De redenen dat CTP tot op heden nog niet aan de verwachtingen heeft voldaan in de klinische praktijk, zijn waarschijnlijk grotendeels terug te voeren op verschillen in perfusie software, scanprotocollen en verschillen tussen scanners en scannerinstellingen.
Acronym | CLEOPATRA |
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 22/07/2019 → 1/06/2023 |
Links | |