Roos Y.B.W.E.M.: Acute Cerebrovascular Neurology

Project Details


The research group is focussing on acute treatment of both haemorrhagic and ischemic stroke. The last few years members of the research group published several scientific papers in journals like 'Stroke', 'Lancet Neurology' and 'JCBF'. The Antiplatelet therapy in combination with Recombinant t-PA Thrombolysis in Ischaemic Stroke (ARTIS) trial was finished and published in 'The Lancet'. Final details on the results of this trial are to be submitted to 'Stroke'. Together with colleagues from the departments of radiology and neurology from the universities of Maastricht and Rotterdam we started the MR CLEAN study, a RCT investigating endovascular treatment for ischemic stroke, funded by a research grant from the Dutch Heart Foundation. Inclusion of the needed 500 patients has just been finished and results are expected to be submitted to the NEJM at the end of October 2014. The MR CLEAN study was expanded in 2013 by a research grant from ZONMW to perform a two year clinical follow-up, to do a cost-effectiveness and a budget impact analysis. Another major stroke study led by investigators from our group has just finished patients inclusion - the PASS study. In this largest study in
acute ischemic stroke ever done in the Netherlands, 2550 patients were randomised between treatment with or without antibiotics. Results are expected at the end of 2014. In cerebral sinus thrombosis the To-Act trial was started to investigate whether endovascular treatment is beneficial on clinical outcome. Several other papers on this relatively rare subgroup of cerebrovascular diseases were published last year and resulted in an PhD thesis. Regarding hemorrhagic stroke, the PATCH study, a RCT investigating whether platelet transfusion is beneficial in patients with an intracerebral haemorrhage while on antiplatelet therapy, is still recruiting patients. Because patient inclusion was too slow, we expanded the study to Scotland and to France. This could be realised by obtaining additional funding in these countries. Themes: Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders and Cardiovascular Diseases
Effective start/end date1/01/2010 → …