Schultz M.J.: Prevention and treatment of organ failure in intensive care medicine

Project Details


Anticoagulant agents were tested systemically in pre–clinical models of acute lung injury (ALI) (thesis G. Choi, collaboration with the Univ. of Toronto; VENI (ZonMW)–grant); these agents were additionally tested locally (i.e., by means of nebulization) in similar models (thesis J–J. Hofstra, VENI–grant); a mouse–ventilation model was set–up, and successfully used for a first series of studies in which anticoagulants were tested for the prevention of ventilator–induced lung injury (thesis E. Wolthuis); a clinical study on the prevalence and pathophysiology of transfusion–related ALI (thesis A. Vlaar, collaboration with Sanguin, Amsterdam) and a clinical study on the effects of a natural anticoagulant in single–organ ALI were started (thesis J–J. Hofstra, collaboration with the Free University, Amsterdam; industry–sponsored); a study on lower versus conventional tidal volumes in patients not suffering from ALI in the ICU was continued (thesis R. Determann); a similar study was finished in the OR (thesis G. Choi and E. Wolthuis); an automatic mode of mechanical ventilation was tested in cardiothoracic surgery patients (thesis D. Dongelmans; industry–sponsored) and patients after
tracheotomy (thesis D. Veelo); manual hyperinflation was tested and improved in a skills–laboratory (thesis F. Paulus).

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Effective start/end date1/01/2008 → …