Quadruple torsion of the fallopian tube in an 18-year-old virgin: A rare twist

Tjitske R. Zaat, Miriam W. M. Braakhekke, Eugenie M. Kaaijk, Louisette W. Peters

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4 Citations (Scopus)


In this report, we describe an 18-year-old nulliparous virgo, with no medical history, who presented herself at the emergency department with symptoms of lower abdominal pain and nausea with vomiting. On examination, an echogenic unilocular cyst with possible relation to the right ovary was found. The working diagnosis was an ovarian torsion. She underwent a diagnostic laparoscopy which revealed a quadruple torsion of the fallopian tube with hydrosalpinx. Detorsion of the tube was performed, and the tube was drained using diathermic incision. After the surgery, the patient recovered rapidly. Ultrasonic evaluation 38 days later showed an echogenic area measuring 2×3 cm suspected for persistent hydrosalpinx. Because of the asymptomatic postoperative period, the patient was treated conservatively, and no further treatment was performed.
Original languageEnglish
Article number224671
JournalBMJ Case Reports
Publication statusPublished - 2018

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