A lean approach to improve the organisation of unplanned intensive care admissions: A before-after analysis

I. T. Spaan, A. F. van der Sluijs, A. D. Boelens, J. Binnekade, E. J. van Lieshout, N. P. Juffermans, R. Mudde, P. Bouter, D. A. Dongelmans, A. P. J. Vlaar

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1 Citation (Scopus)


Background: Unplanned admissions of intensive care patients demand well-organised team work. Lack of an intensive care unit (ICU) admission protocol may lead to insufficient preparations or unclear task allocations. It was hypothesised that using a Lean approach, the organisation and perceived quality of care of unplanned ICU admissions could be improved. Methods: Using Lean, the organisation of unplanned admissions was analysed by measuring the perception of the quality of care amongst physicians and nurses. These results led to a new protocol describing logistical and organisational measures. After six months of implementation, a survey was performed to evaluate the effect using a modified t-test. Results: After implementation, 27 questionnaires were filled in and compared with 27 baseline questionnaires. The satisfaction of nurses with the quality of admission, expressed in the admission score (M, on a scale of 1-10) improved (pre: M=7.4; SD=1.3; post: M=8.2; SD=0.9; p=0.001). On a scale of 1-5 the score for clear task allocation improved (pre: M=3.3; SD=1.2; post: M=4.3; SD=0.9; p < 0.001) as well as the score for effective communication (pre: M=4; SD=0.8; post: M=4.4; SD=0.7; p=0.01). Physicians reported an improvement in the score for clarity about task allocation (pre: M=3.2; SD=1.2; post: M=4.1; SD=1.3; p=0.001) and the content of task (pre: M=3.6; SD=1.1; post: M=4.1; SD=1; p=0.001). Conclusion: By using a Lean approach, the implementation of a survey-based protocol resulted in a perceived improved quality of unplanned admissions at the ICU.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)134-138
Number of pages5
JournalNetherlands Journal of Critical Care
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • CRM
  • Crew resource management
  • Lean
  • Organisation
  • SAQ
  • Safety attitudes questionnaire
  • Unplanned admissions

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