Evalueren van kwaliteit van leven bij thuiswonende ouderen overzicht en verantwoording van veertien relevante domeinen

Translated title of the contribution: Assessing quality of life in older adults living at home: Overview and justification of fourteen relevant domains

Miriam S. van Loon, Karen M. van Leeuwen, Raymond W. J. G. Ostelo, Guy A. M. Widdershoven, Judith E. Bosmans

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleProfessional


An increasing group of older adults living at home in the Netherlands requires proper support through the use of services. Determining important outcomes is crucial in this respect. For this specific group, broad outcomes in terms of quality of life (QoL) are relevant, focusing on the influence of services on capabilities. This article describes the development and content of the ASCOT-NL (Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit, Dutch version) and the EQLT (Extended Quality of Life Tool), and highlights application possibilities in the evaluation of care. Both instruments aim to measure effects of care on QoL of elderly people living at home in multiple relevant domains. The ASCOT-NL has eight domains, the EQLT includes these eight domains and adds six domains, resulting in a total of fourteen domains. The domains of the ASCOT-NL are based on the goals of social support and care; the additional domains of the EQLT are based on empirical research on QoL from the perspective of older people living at home and how care can contribute to QoL.
Translated title of the contributionAssessing quality of life in older adults living at home: Overview and justification of fourteen relevant domains
Original languageDutch
JournalTijdschrift voor gerontologie en geriatrie
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • Assessment tool
  • Elderly care
  • Older adults living at home
  • Quality of life

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