Development of a patient decision aid for discharge planning of hospitalized patients with stroke

On behalf of the Santeon VBHC stroke group

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


Background: Patient involvement in discharge planning of patients with stroke can be accomplished by providing personalized outcome information and promoting shared decision-making. The aim of this study was to develop a patient decision aid (PtDA) for discharge planning of hospitalized patients with stroke. Methods: A convergent mixed methods design was used, starting with needs assessments among patients with stroke and health care professionals (HCPs). Results of these assessments were used to develop the PtDA with integrated outcome information in several co-creation sessions. Subsequently, acceptability and usability were tested to optimize the PtDA. Development was guided by the International Patient Decision Aids Standards (IPDAS) criteria. Results: In total, 74 patients and 111 HCPs participated in this study. A three-component PtDA was developed, consisting of: 1) a printed consultation sheet to introduce the options for discharge destinations, containing information that can be specified for each individual patient; 2) an online information and deliberation tool to support patient education and clarification of patient values, containing an integrated “patients-like-me” model with outcome information about discharge destinations; 3) a summary sheet to support actual decision-making during consultation, containing the patient’s values and preferences concerning discharge planning. In the acceptability test, all qualifying and certifying IPDAS criteria were fulfilled. The usability test showed that patients and HCPs highly appreciated the PtDA with integrated outcome information. Conclusions: The developed PtDA was found acceptable and usable by patients and HCPs and is currently under investigation in a clinical trial to determine its effectiveness.
Original languageEnglish
Article number245
JournalBMC Neurology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2022


  • Discharge planning
  • Outcome information
  • Patient decision aid
  • Patient empowerment
  • Shared decision-making
  • Stroke

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