Diagnostic and prognostic markers in adult-onset asthma

Research output: PhD ThesisPhd-Thesis - Research and graduation internal


In this thesis we investigated diagnostic and prognostic markers in adult-onset asthma. We were able to show that one single blood eosinophil measurement is adequate to diagnose persistent blood eosinophilia. Besides this, we found that several type 2 inflammatory markers had prognostic value, and could predict long function decline and asthma persistence. These markers provide new insight in asthma pathogenesis, have implication for daily practise, but also raise new research questions.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
  • Bel, E.H.D., Supervisor
  • Sterk, Peter, Supervisor
  • Amelink, M., Co-supervisor
Award date4 Jun 2019
Print ISBNs9789463324960
Publication statusPublished - 2019

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