Improvement of recombinant ADAMTS13 production through a more optimal signal peptide or an N-terminal fusion protein

Kadri Kangro, Elien Roose, Charlotte Dekimpe, Aline Vandenbulcke, Nuno A. G. Graça, Jan Voorberg, Mart Ustav, Andres Männik, Karen Vanhoorelbeke

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Background: Recombinant human ADAMTS13 (rADAMTS13) is a key protein in fundamental research for investigating its mode of action and the pathophysiology of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). However, the expression of rADAMTS13 is quite low in mammalian cells, which makes the production of the protein time-consuming and labor-intensive. Objectives: We aimed at increasing the yield of rADAMTS13 by (1) using a more optimal signal peptide (SP) and (2) constructing an N-terminal fusion protein of ADAMTS13 with human serum albumin domain 1 (AD1-ADAMTS13). Methods: Six SPs were investigated to select the most optimal SP. Expression plasmids containing the most optimal SP and ADAMTS13 cDNA or the fusion construct AD1-ADAMTS13 were generated and transiently transfected into CHOEBNALT85 cell-line. Expression levels of rADAMTS13 in expression medium were analyzed and compared with the expression level of rADAMTS13 with native SP (nat-SP). Results: Expression of rADAMTS13 with coagulation factor VII (FVII) SP was 3-fold higher (16.00 μg/ml) compared with the expression with nat-SP (5.03 μg/ml). The highest yields were obtained with AD1-ADAMTS13 protein with a 15-fold higher concentration (78.22 μg/ml) compared with the expression with nat-SP. The rADAMTS13 expressed with FVII-SP retained its activity (104.0%) to cleave von Willebrand factor, whereas AD1-ADAMTS13 demonstrated even higher activity (144.3%). Conclusion: We succeeded in generating expression vectors that yield (1) rADAMTS13 at higher levels because of more optimal FVII-SP and (2) high levels of AD1-ADAMTS13 N-terminal fusion protein. The highest expression levels were obtained with AD1-ADAMTS13 N-terminal fusion protein, which is paving the way for highly efficient protein production.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2379-2385
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of thrombosis and haemostasis
Issue number10
Early online date2022
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2022


  • ADAMTS13 protein
  • cell culture techniques
  • human serum albumin
  • recombinant proteins
  • thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura

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