Including performance level lowers prevalence of non-timeloss groin injury. A cross-sectional study in 383 female amateur football players

Rob R. F. H. Langhout, Igor J. R. Tak

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Objective: To study the preseason prevalence of groin injury with normal and reduced performance. Design: Cross-sectional cohort. Settings: Online survey. Participants: 383 Dutch female amateur football players (35 teams). Main outcome measures: Prevalence of groin injury per injury group (timeloss or non-timeloss) using a general questionnaire and per performance group (groin pain with normal or reduced performance) using subscales Pain and Participation in Physical Activities of the Hip And Groin Outcome Score (HAGOS). Levels and between-group differences of groin-related symptoms and problems (HAGOS) for injury and performance groups. The injury groups from which players with groin pain and normal performance originate. Results: Prevalence of non-timeloss groin injury was 22% (95% confidence interval (95%CI) = 18–26) (n = 84), 7% (95%CI = 5–10) (n = 26) for timeloss groin injury, 21% (95%CI = 17–25) (n = 80) for pain + normal performance and 16% (95%CI = 12–20) (n = 61) for pain + reduced performance. HAGOS-scores differed between injury (P < .022) and performance groups (p < .043). Twenty-three players (27%) with pain + normal performance originated from the non-timeloss groin injury group (100%). Conclusion: As female amateur football players with groin pain and normal performance are considered non-injured, the prevalence of non-timeloss groin injury lowers by a quarter. These players have lower HAGOS scores than non-injured players without pain yet higher scores than those with non-timeloss groin injury.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)225-230
JournalPhysical Therapy in Sport
Publication statusPublished - 2019

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