Individual, contextual and network characteristics of blood donors and non-donors: a systematic review of recent literature: a systematic review of recent literature

Tjeerd W. Piersma, René Bekkers, Elisabeth F. Klinkenberg, Wim L. A. M. de Kort, Eva-Maria Merz

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articleAcademicpeer-review

34 Citations (Scopus)


Background. The ageing population and recent migration flows may negatively affect the blood supply in the long term, increasing the importance of targeted recruitment and retention strategies to address donors. This review sought to identify individual, network and contextual characteristics related to blood donor status and behaviour, to systematically discuss differences between study results, and to identify possible factors to target in recruitment and retention efforts. Methods. The systematic review was conducted in accordance with a predefined PROSPERO protocol (CRD42016039591). After quality assessments by multiple independent raters, a final set of 66 peer-reviewed papers, published between October 2009 and January 2017, were included for review. Results. Individual and contextual characteristics of blood donor status and behaviour were categorised into five main lines of research: donor demographics, motivations and barriers, adverse reactions and deferral, contextual factors, and blood centre factors. Results on donor demographics, motivations and barriers, and contextual factors were inconclusive, differing between studies, countries, and sample characteristics. Adverse reactions and deferral were negatively related to blood donor behaviour. Blood centre factors play an important role in donor management, e.g., providing information, reminders, and (non-) monetary rewards. No studies were found on network characteristics of (non-) donors. Discussion. Although individual and contextual characteristics strongly relate to blood donor status and behaviour, mechanisms underlying these relations have not been studied sufficiently. We want to stress the importance of longitudinal studies in donor behaviour, exploring the role of life events and network characteristics within blood donor careers. Increased understanding of donor behaviour will assist policy makers of blood collection agencies, with the ultimate goal of safeguarding a sufficient and matching blood supply
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)382-397
Number of pages16
JournalBlood transfusion
Issue number5
Early online date13 Jun 2017
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2017


  • blood donor behaviour
  • contextual characteristics
  • donor career
  • individual characteristics
  • systematic review

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