Liver cyst gene knockout in cholangiocytes inhibits cilium formation and Wnt signaling

Edgar S. Wills, René H. M. te Morsche, Jeroen van Reeuwijk, Nicola Horn, Iris Geomini, Liyanne F. M. van de Laarschot, Dorus A. Mans, Marius Ueffing, Karsten Boldt, Joost P. H. Drenth, Ronald Roepman

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Mutations in the PRKCSH, SEC63 and LRP5 genes cause autosomal dominant polycystic liver disease (ADPLD). The proteins products of PRKCSH (alias GIIB) and SEC63 function in protein quality control and processing in the endoplasmic reticulum(ER), while LRP5 is implicated inWnt/β-catenin signaling. To identify common denominators in the PLD pathogenesis, wemapped the PLD interactome by affinity proteomics, employing both HEK293T cells and H69 cholangiocytes. Identification of known complexmembers, such as glucosidase IIA (GIIA) for PRKCSH, and SEC61A1 and SEC61B for SEC63, confirmed the specificity of the analysis. GANAB, encoding GIIA, was very recently identified as an ADPLD gene. The presence of GIIA in the LRP5 complex pinpoints a potential functional connection with PRKCSH. Interestingly, all three PLD-associated protein complexes included filamin A (FLNA), amultifunctional protein described to play a role in ciliogenesis as well as canonical Wnt signalling. As ciliary dysfunctionmay also contribute to hereditary liver cyst formation, we evaluated the requirement of PRKCSH and SEC63 for ciliogenesis andWnt signaling. By CRISPR/Cas9 induced knockdown of both ADPLD genes in HEK293T cells and H69 cholangiocytes, we identified that their depletion results in defective ciliogenesis. However, only H69 knockouts displayed reduced Wnt3a activation. Our results suggest that loss of PRKCSH and SEC63 leads to general defects in ciliogenesis, while quenching of the Wnt signaling cascade is cholangiocyte-restricted. Interactions of all three PLD-associated protein complexes with FLNAmaymark a common link between the ADPLD proteins and the cystogenic processes driving this disease.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4190-4202
JournalHuman Molecular Genetics
Issue number21
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2017
Externally publishedYes

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