
Background: Madelung deformity is a rare wrist anomaly that causes considerable pain while restricting function. In this study, we describe a radioscapholunate (RSL) arthrodesis with a neo-distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) in Madelung deformity patients with an abnormal sigmoid notch and compare results to patients after a reverse wedge osteotomy. Methods: Six wrists underwent RSL arthrodesis with a neo-DRUJ in a two-phase approach: (1) modified RSL arthrodesis with triquetrectomy; and (2) distal scaphoidectomy. Seven wrists underwent a reverse wedge osteotomy procedure. Results: There were no differences found in postoperative pain, grip strength, or range of motion (ROM), apart from extension, which was decreased after RSL arthrodesis with a neo-DRUJ. Quality of life and Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire scores were similar. Conclusions: Although clinical outcome parameters are not different among the two groups, the RSL arthrodesis with construction of a neo-DRUJ could prove a valid treatment option for a subset of patients with a severely affected sigmoid notch.
Original languageEnglish
JournalHand (New York, N.Y.)
Early online date2021
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 2021


  • Madelung deformity
  • radial osteotomy
  • radiocarpal joint
  • radioulnar joint
  • reconstruction
  • reverse wedge osteotomy
  • sigmoid notch
  • wrist

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