Measuring cognitive factors in speech comprehension: the value of using the text reception threshold test as a visual equivalent of the SRT test

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The ability to comprehend speech in noise is influenced by bottom-up auditory and top-down cognitive capacities. Separate examination of these capacities is relevant for various purposes. Speech-Reception-Threshold (SRT) tests measure an individual's ability to comprehend speech. This paper addresses the value of the Text-Reception-Threshold (TRT) test (a visual parallel of the SRT test) to assess the cognitive capacities allocated during speech comprehension. We conducted a secondary data analysis, including 87 normally-hearing adults (aged 18 to 78 years). Correlation coefficients between age, TRT, working memory (Spatial Span) and SRT were examined. The TRT and SRT correlated significantly (r = 0.30), supporting the value of TRT in explaining inter-individual differences in SRTs. The relations between age and TRT and between SSP and TRT were non-significant. The results indicate that the current TRT test does not fully cover the cognitive aspects relevant in speech comprehension. Adaptation of the test is required before clinical implementation can be considered
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Pages (from-to)507-515
JournalScandinavian journal of psychology
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2009

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