Reptiles as a model system to study heart development

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13 Citations (Scopus)


A chambered heart is common to all vertebrates, but reptiles show unparalleled variation in ventricular septation, ranging from almost absent in tuataras to full in crocodilians. Because mammals and birds evolved independently from reptile lineages, studies on reptile development may yield insight into the evolution and development of the full ventricular septum. Compared with reptiles, mammals and birds have evolved several other adaptations, including compact chamber walls and a specialized conduction system. These adaptations appear to have evolved from precursor structures that can be studied in present-day reptiles. The increase in the number of studies on reptile heart development has been greatly facilitated by sequencing of several genomes and the availability of good staging systems. Here, we place reptiles in their phylogenetic context with a focus on features that are primitive when compared with the homologous features of mammals. Further, an outline of major developmental events is given, and variation between reptile species is discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbera037226
JournalCold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology
Issue number5
Early online date11 Nov 2019
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2020

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