Severe antithrombin III deficiency in a patient with pre-eclampsia. Observations on the effect of human AT III concentrate transfusion

H. R. Büller, A. H. Weenink, P. E. Treffers, L. H. Kahlé, H. A. Otten, J. W. ten Cate

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Severe acquired antithrombin III (AT III) deficiency was observed in a patient with severe pre-eclamptic toxaemia. Plasma AT III concentration of 0.25 U/ml was found in both functional and immunological assays. The patient was treated with human AT III concentrate as a result of the development of progressive disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), the further deterioration of renal function, the risk for thromboembolic complications and the possible adverse effects of heparin therapy. The selective correction of AT III activity resulted in a rapid disappearance of coagulation abnormalities. The patient underwent uncomplicated caesarian section. This observation indicates that acquired severe AT III deficiency may occur as an early feature of DIC in severe pre-eclamptic toxaemia
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)81-86
JournalScandinavian journal of haematology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1980

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