Stability Studies of UV Laser Irradiated Promethazine and Thioridazine after Exposure to Hypergravity Conditions

Ágota Simon, Tatiana Tozar, Adriana Smarandache, Mihai Boni, Alexandru Stoicu, Alan Dowson, Jack J.W.A. van Loon, Mihail Lucian Pascu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Pharmaceuticals carried into space are subjected to different gravitational conditions. Hypergravity is encountered in the first stage, during spacecraft launching. The stability of medicines represents a critical element of space missions, especially long-duration ones. Therefore, stability studies should be envisaged before the implementation of drugs for future deep space travel, where the available pharmaceuticals would be limited and restocking from Earth would be impossible. Multipurpose drugs should be proposed for this reason, such as phenothiazine derivatives that can be transformed by optical methods into antimicrobial agents. Within this preliminary study, promethazine and thioridazine aqueous solutions were exposed to UV laser radiation that modified their structures and generated a mixture of photoproducts efficient against particular bacteria. Sub-sequently, they were subjected to 20 g in the European Space Agency’s Large Diameter Centrifuge. The aim was to evaluate the impact of hypergravity on the physico-chemical and spectral properties of unirradiated and laser-irradiated medicine solutions through pH assay, UV-Vis/FTIR absorption spectroscopy, and thin-layer chromatography. The results revealed no substantial alterations in centrifuged samples when compared to uncentrifuged ones. Due to their stability after high-g episodes, laser-exposed phenothiazines could be considered for future space missions.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1728
Pages (from-to)1-17
Number of pages17
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2022


  • Drug stability
  • Hypergravity
  • LDC
  • Laser irradiation
  • Phenothiazines
  • Photoactivated drugs
  • Photoproducts

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