Synthesis of platelet-activating factor by human blood platelets and leucocytes. Evidence against selective utilization of cellular ether-linked phospholipids

A. Sturk, M. C. Schaap, A. Prins, J. W. ten Cate, H. van den Bosch

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Synthesis of platelet activating factor (PAF) in blood platelet suspensions may be due to leucocyte contamination. We therefore investigated PAF synthesis in human blood platelet suspensions and granulocyte- (PMN)-enriched leucocyte suspensions upon stimulation by thrombin and Ca2+-ionophore A23187, both in the presence and absence of the presumed PAF catabolism inhibitor phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF). PAF synthesis was measured by aggregation of washed rabbit platelets and by [3H]acetate incorporation. In contrast to A23187, thrombin was unable to stimulate PAF synthesis by leucocytes. As thrombin did induce PAF synthesis by platelet suspensions, this was evidently not due to leucocyte contamination. A23187 also induced PAF synthesis by platelets, but this was dependent upon the platelet isolation method and possibly associated activation. The ratio of [3H]acetate incorporation into 1-alkyl- versus 1-acyl-2-acetylglycerophosphocholine upon stimulation of non-PMSF-treated leucocytes and platelets amounted to 12.8 and 1.2, respectively. These values are at least 10-fold higher than the ratio of 1-alkyl versus 1-acyl species in the cellular phosphatidylcholine precursor for PAF. By PMSF pretreatment, the distribution of incorporated [3H]acetate between 1-ether- and 1-ester-linked species became similar to that in the precursor phosphatidylcholines of the respective cell type, due to increased recovery of [3H]acetate in the acyl compounds. Both leucocyte and platelet homogenates rapidly degraded acylacetylglycerophosphocholine to (acetyl)glycerophosphocholine, and this deacylation was inhibited by PMSF pretreatment of the cells. We conclude that upon cell stimulation a phospholipase A2 converts both alkylacylglycerophosphocholine and diacylglycerophosphocholine to the 2-lysoanalogs in a ratio similar to the occurrence of the parent compounds. The acetyltransferase subsequently acetylates both compounds to acylacetylglycerophosphocholine and alkylacetylglycerophosphocholine (PAF), respectively. Deacylation of the 1-ester-linked species, either before or after acetylation, gives the impression of selective utilization of 1-ether-linked species for PAF production. It is only after inhibition of the deacylation by pretreatment of the cells with PMSF that a mainly nondiscriminative use of 1-ether- and 1-ester-linked species by both phospholipase A2 and acetyltransferase becomes evident
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)148-156
Issue number2-3
Publication statusPublished - 1989

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