Teaching evidence-based speech and language therapy: Influences from formal and informal curriculum

Research output: PhD ThesisPhd-Thesis - Research and graduation internal


This dissertation focuses on influences from formal and informal curriculum on the effectiveness of teaching evidence-based speech and language therapy. A study showed that while EBP knowledge and skills increase during the years of study, motivational beliefs such as EBP task value and self-efficacy remained the same. This poses a problem for effective teaching because knowledge and skills do not lead to a change in behavior if they are not supported by positive motivational beliefs. Besides the formal curriculum, the informal curriculum is also important. Professional competence develops in interaction with the social environment in which students are practicing. In her dissertation, Bea Spek describes a study in which students reflected on their observations regarding EBP behavior of their supervisors during clinical placements. Students entered clinical placements totally focused on the need to use the five steps of EBP while they also sought certainty in scientific evidence. Supervisors in the field however, expected their students to practice their skills by working with patients. Students spoke of their frustrations and negative emotions regarding EBP during clinical placements. Such negative emotions are a barrier to the uptake of EBP in their future profession. The formal curriculum therefore should not only pay attention to teaching EBP knowledge and skills but also have a clear vision on what EBP looks like in daily clinical practice and furthermore should articulate this vision to students and colleagues in the field. Here lies an important task for EBP teachers and developers in health care professions.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
  • Wieringa-de Waard, M., Supervisor
  • Lucas, C., Supervisor
  • van Dijk, N., Co-supervisor
  • Wierenga-de Waard, M., Supervisor, External person
Award date13 Mar 2015
Publication statusPublished - 2015

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