Two Cases of Cardiac Arteriovenous Malformation Complicated by a Local Angioproliferative Process

Lorine B. Meijer-Jorna, Renée B. A. van den Brink, Anton E. Becker, Allard C. van der Wal

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6 Citations (Scopus)


Vascular malformations of the heart are extremely rare with only a few cases of the arteriovenous type of vascular malformation (AVM) reported. We investigated the pathology of two additional cases, which were complicated by the occurrence of a local vasoproliferative response of immature but benign vessels. We suppose that the mass forming effect of this vasoproliferative response, which has also been reported recently as a complication of congenital AVM elsewhere in the body, has significantly contributed to the onset of symptoms and ultimate death of both patients
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)868-871
JournalPediatric cardiology
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2010

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