Two-year clinical outcomes of patients treated with the dual-therapy stent in a 1000 patient all-comers registry

Deborah N. Kalkman, Pier Woudstra, Ian B. A. Menown, Peter den Heijer, Arnoud W. J. van't Hof, Andrejs Erglis, Harry Suryapranata, Karin E. Arkenbout, Andrés Iñiguez, Philippe Muller, Jan G. Tijssen, Marcel A. M. Beijk, Robbert J. de Winter

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The dual-therapy stent combines an abluminal biodegradable drug-eluting coating, with a 'pro-healing' luminal layer. This bioengineered layer attracts circulating endothelial progenitor cells that can differentiate into normal endothelium. Rapid endothelialisation of the stent might allow safe short dual antiplatelet therapy. We aim to assess clinical outcomes in patients treated with this novel device at 2-year follow-up. A total of 1000 patients were included in the REMEDEE Registry to evaluate clinical outcomes after treatment with the dual-therapy stent. This prospective, multicentre, European registry included all-comers patients, which resulted in a high-risk patient population. Target lesion failure (TLF), a combined endpoint consisting of cardiac death, target vessel myocardial infarction (tv-MI) and target lesion revascularisation (TLR), at 2-year follow-up was the primary focus of this analysis. Subgroup analyses were performed according to diabetes mellitus (DM), gender, age, acute coronary syndrome, smoking, hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia, previous stroke, peripheral vascular disease and chronic renal failure. TLF at 2 years was observed in 84 patients (8.5%), with 3.0% cardiac death, 1.2% tv-MI and 5.9% TLR. Definite stent thrombosis at 2 years was 0.6%. In the presence of DM or chronic renal failure, a higher TLF was observed. The dual-therapy stent shows favourable clinical outcomes from 12 months onwards. Two years after stent placement, low TLF and very low stent thrombosis rates are observed in this large prospective all-comers cohort study. NCT01874002; Results
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere000634
JournalOpen Heart
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2017

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