Additional file 2 of Intestinal region-specific Wnt signalling profiles reveal interrelation between cell identity and oncogenic pathway activity in cancer development

  • Ronja S. Adam (Amsterdam UMC, Oncode Institute, Amsterdam, the Netherlands) (Creator)
  • Sanne M. van Neerven (Oncode Institute, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Amsterdam UMC) (Contributor)
  • Cayetano Pleguezuelos-Manzano (Creator)
  • Salvatore Simmini (Creator)
  • Nicolas Leveille (Creator)
  • Nina E. de Groot (Oncode Institute, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Amsterdam UMC) (Contributor)
  • Andrew N. Holding (Creator)
  • Florian Markowetz (Creator)
  • Louis Vermeulen (Creator)



Additional file 2. Location signatures are downregulated upon Wnt activation. Genes depicted in Fig. 2A are provided in a table format with compiled log2 fold changes (l2FC) (n = 3) for each location separately. The comparison of the wt samples of prSI,...
Date made available2020

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