1995 …2021

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Research interests

Starting as a postdoc with a strong focus on molecular biology, protein purification and characterization and (food) allergy related research, I shifted gear and moved into project management of EU projects. Starting with allergy related EU projects (FAST, BM4SIT) I also became involved in other fields; The (near) finalized projects: European sepsis academy; in the area of sepsis/internal medicin (2016-2020); COSMIC focusing on Rheumatology and B-cell lymfoma (2018-2022); HealthPros; focusing on Healthcare Performance Intelligence (2018-2022) and INSIST; a Research and Innovation action focusing on in silico trials in ischemic stroke (2017-2021).
Then the still running projects: Hyperboost; Hyperthermia boosting the effect of Radiotherapy (2019-2023), ARCAID (2020-2024), a Co-Fund project on Autoimmune rheumatological diseases; ICARE4OLD (2021-2025) aiming to individualise healthcare for the ever-growing group of older persons with chronic complex conditions, and RISCC (2020-2025) Risk-based Screening for Cervical Cancer; in the field of HPV, HPV screening and HPV vaccination. In October 2022 I have three new projects in my portfolio: ONELAB (Orchestrating next-generation mobile modular laboratories for pandemic monitoring preparedness); DIALECT (Diabetes Lower Extremity Complications Research and Training Network in
Foot Ulcer and Amputation Prevention) and PARQ (Sudden cardiac arrest prediction and resuscitation network: Improving the quality of care).

As a project manager I am (partly) responsible for recruitment, dissemination, data protection plans, organisation of meetings and courses, website (updates), scientific reporting to the EU, communication with all partners and keeping track of deliverables and milestones. And for BM4SIT it also included clinical trial application, toxicological studies and the IMPD.


Food allergy diagnosis, detection, purification/characterization of allergens, EU project management (PM2 Alliance Advanced certification, PM2 Alliance Essentials certification Exam, Post HBO education project control, Lean Six Sigma Green belt training, Basiscursus Regelgeving en Organisatie Klinisch onderzoek (BROK), eXtended EudraVigilance Medicinal Product Dictionary (XEVMPD) e-Learning Course, Article 9 course on working with laboratory animals)

Education/Academic qualification

PhD, Interactions of plant proteins with alfalfa mosaic virus movement protein, Leiden University

Award Date: 10 Apr 2002

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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