Activities per year
- 3 Oral presentation
- 3 results
Search results
Rapid development of peritoneal metastases after adjuvant chemotherapy is associated with worse survival after cytoreduction and HIPEC.
NR Sluiter (Speaker), Y Salhi (Speaker), G Kazemier (Speaker), HMW Verheul (Speaker) & JB Tuynman (Speaker)
Sept 2017Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Oral presentation › Academic
Advanced imaging in HIPEC patients with peritoneal metastases of colorectal cancer
NR Sluiter (Speaker), SL Vlek (Speaker), HT Brandsma (Speaker), AR Wijsmuller (Speaker), NCT van Grieken (Speaker), G Kazemier (Speaker) & JB Tuynman (Speaker)
10 Nov 2017Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Oral presentation › Academic
Intracorporeal versus extracorporeal anastomosis in laparoscopic right hemicolectomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
SE van Oostendorp (Speaker), AKE Elfrink (Speaker), WAA Borstlap (Speaker), C. Sietses (Speaker), WJHJ Meijerink (Speaker) & JB Tuynman (Speaker)
Dec 2017Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Oral presentation › Academic