Project Details


Pelvic floor disorders (PFDs) affect millions of women globally and represent a major public health. During vaginal birth, (over)extension causes rupture of the musculature and connective tissue, resulting in pelvic floor damage. We hypothesize that impaired healing and incomplete recovery after the trauma in the pelvic tissues caused by childbirth contribute to the PFD symptoms. We suggest a preventive strategy to minimize the extent of damage and enhance tissue healing after birth. In this project, we will develop an injectable hydrogel to apply to the damaged tissue to improve healing and therefore to prevent PDFs. This project presents a proof-of-concept and innovative approach to prevent PDFs. This project is the first step for the clinical application of hydrogel that will result in improved quality of health among young mothers worldwide
Short titlePrevention of Pelvic Trauma
Effective start/end date1/04/20241/04/2028