Project Details


In this project, the association between suicidal ideation and mental disorders was studied, in particular MDD and FEP, in different geographical regions and populations. The aim was to create a more in depth understanding of how suicidal ideation and depressive symptoms co-occur over time in individuals with recurrent depressive episodes. In addition, we used data from a minimal intervention study in Indonesia to examine whether an internet-based behavioural activation intervention was effective in reducing suicidal ideation in individuals with depression in Indonesia. Further, we studied which variables contributed to suicidal ideation in individuals with FEP in a multicentre study in Europe. Last, we studied individuals without psychopathology, belonging to ethnic minorities in the Netherlands, by looking at the association between perceived ethnic discrimination and suicidal ideation, and whether this was moderated by mastery. Introducing the second theme central to this thesis; the association between suicidal ideation and underserved groups. By doing so we want to emphasize the influence of racial disparities on suicidal ideation and the importance of cultural variation in future endeavours of suicide research.

We built our research on different data samples, different study designs, and geographic locations. From the Netherlands; Depression Evaluation Longitudinal Therapy Assessment (DELTA)-study and the Healthy Life in an Urban Setting (HELIUS)-study, from Europe; European Network of National Schizophrenia Networks Studying Gene-Environment Interactions (EUGEI)-study, and from Indonesia; “Guided Act and Feel Indonesia” (GAF-ID), intervention RCT, using international measures and analysis techniques.
Effective start/end date1/07/2019 → …