A novel muscle-specific enhancer identified within the deletion overlap region of two XLDC patients lacking muscle exon 1 of the human dystrophin gene

Carlo Bastianutto, Marianne de Visser, Francesco Muntoni, Henry J. Klamut, Tomaso Patarnello

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Previous studies point to the involvement of several discrete transcriptional enhancers in the modulation of dystrophin gene expression in skeletal and cardiac muscle. Analysis of deletion breakpoints in two X-linked dilated cardiomyopathy patients with mutations that remove muscle exon 1 identified a 3.2-kb deletion overlap region (XLDC3.2) between -1199 and +2057 bp predicted to contain regulatory elements essential for dystrophin gene expression in cardiac muscle. A novel-sequence-based search strategy was used to identify a 543-bp region downstream of muscle exon 1 rich in cardiac-specific transcriptional elements. Designated dystrophin muscle enhancer 2 (DME2), this candidate enhancer was seen to function in a position- and orientation-independent manner in muscle cell lines but not in fibroblasts. As only modest activity was observed in primary neonatal rat cardiomyocytes, DME2 is thought to play a role in dystrophin gene regulation at later stages of cardiac muscle development
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)614-620
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2002

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