Automated external defibrillator and operator performance in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest

Jolande A. Zijlstra, Loes E. Bekkers, Michiel Hulleman, Stefanie G. Beesems, Rudolph W. Koster

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Aim: An increasing number of failing automated external defibrillators (AEDs) is reported: AEDs not giving a shock or other malfunction. We assessed to what extent AEDs are 'failing' and whether this had a device-related or operator-related cause. Methods: We studied analysis periods from AEDs used between January 2012 and December 2014. For each analysis period we assessed the correctness of the (no)-shock advice (sensitivity/specificity) and reasons for an incorrect (no)-shock advice. If no shock was delivered after a shock advice, we assessed the reason for no-shock delivery. Results: We analyzed 1114 AED recordings with 3310 analysis periods (1091 shock advices; 2219 no-shock advices). Sensitivity for coarse ventricular fibrillation was 99% and specificity for non-shockable rhythm detection 98%. The AED gave an incorrect shock advice in 4% (44/1091) of all shock advices, due to device-related (n = 15) and operator-related errors (n = 28) (one unknown). Of these 44 shock advices, only 2 shocks caused a rhythm change. One percent (26/2219) of all no-shock advices was incorrect due to device-related (n = 20) and operator-related errors (n = 6). In 5% (59/1091) of all shock advices, no shock was delivered: operator failed to deliver shock (n = 33), AED was removed (n = 17), operator pushed 'off' button (n = 8) and other (n = 1). Of the 1073 analysis periods with a shockable rhythm, 67 (6%) did not receive an AED shock. Conclusion: Errors associated with AED use are rare (4%) and when occurring are in 72% caused by the operator or circumstances of use. Fully automatic AEDs may prevent the majority of these errors. (C) 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)140-146
Early online date2017
Publication statusPublished - 2017

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