C-type lectin receptors orchestrate antifungal immunity

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20 Citations (Scopus)


Fungal infections are an emerging threat for human health. A coordinated host immune response is fundamental for successful elimination of an invading fungal microbe. A panel of C-type lectin receptors expressed on antigen-presenting dendritic cells enable innate recognition of fungal cell wall carbohydrates and tailors adaptive responses via the instruction of CD4⁺ T helper cell fates. Well-balanced T helper cell type 1 and IL-17-producing T helper cell responses are crucial in antifungal immunity and facilitate phagocytic clearance of fungal encounters. Strikingly, different classes of fungi trigger distinct sets of C-type lectin receptors to evoke a pathogen-specific T helper response. In this review, we outline the key roles of several C-type lectin receptors during the generation of protective antifungal immunity, with particular emphasis on the distinct signaling pathways and transcriptional programs triggered by these receptors, which collaborate to orchestrate polarization of the T helper response
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)839-854
JournalFuture microbiology
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 2013

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