Comparison of arterial wall reaction after passage of the Hydrolyser device versus a thrombectomy balloon in an animal model

V. G. van Ommen, F. H. van der Veen, G. G. Geskes, M. Daemen, J. Habets, W. R. Dassen, H. J. Wellens

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This study was designed to compare the reaction of the vessel wall after application of the Hydrolyser hydrodynamic thrombectomy device to the reaction after use of a balloon thrombectomy catheter. The influence of the vessel inner diameter on vessel wall reaction was evaluated after passage of the Hydrolyser. After measurement of the vessel inner diameter with intravascular ultrasound (US), 102 segments of femoral and carotid arteries of goats were treated with one of the following four procedures: passage of the intravascular US catheter alone; passage of the Hydrolyser without or with an activated jet; or passage of an inflated thrombectomy balloon. Histologic evaluation was performed after 3 weeks. Intimal thickening (more than five cell layers of neointima) 3 weeks after treatment occurred more frequently after passage of the balloon than after any of the other procedures (P <.001). For vessels with a diameter of 3-4 mm, 4-5mm, or more than 5 mm, no significant difference in vessel wall reaction was observed following Hydrolyser passage. In this model, passage of the Hydrolyser device resulted in less intimal reaction compared with the thrombectomy balloon
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)451-454
JournalJournal of vascular and interventional radiology
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1996

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