Costing Study of Wheelchair Service Provision in Yogyakarta

Firdaus Hafidez, Rizki Tsalatshita Khair Mahardya, Agnes Bhakti Pratiwi, Hermawati Setiyaningsih, Diah Ayu Puspandari

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Introduction: Around 10% of the disabled population require wheelchairs globally, and according to the National
Socio-economic Survey Indonesia, 2.5% of the population is disabled. Wheelchair, as important tools but relatively
expensive mobility support is not yet covered by the national health insurance scheme, deterring community from
rights of wheelchair due to relatively high costs. To date, there has been no study to estimate costs of wheelchair
services under guidelines proposed by the World Health Organization’s (WHO) 8-Step Program. This study aims to
estimate the costs of wheelchair provision in Indonesia through the WHO 8-steps approach. Methods: We developed a normative costing model using bottom-up costing analysis. A normative WHO 8-Step approach was utilized
to determine the costs of adaptive wheelchair service per client in Yogyakarta. At each step, we included the costs
of labour, supplies, and equipment of the chairs. We collected information from documents and focus group discussions for the model development and assumptions. Results: In 2016, there were 371 clients of wheelchair services in
Yogyakarta. The cost was an average of IDR 5,340,240 per client. Sixty-nine per cent of the cost was for wheelchair
equipment, 19% was for human resources, and 12% was for supplies. Step 6, the wheelchair equipment, accounted
for the largest proportion of cost (81%). Conclusion: This study estimates the cost of establishing a supplemental benefit package for national health insurance schemes and evidence of the financial sustainability of wheelchair services
according to the WHO guidelines.
Keywords: Cost analysis, Wheelchairs, Insurance
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)27-33
JournalMalaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences
Issue numberSuppl 15
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2020

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