Differentiation Between Pediatric Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Inflammatory Bowel Disease Based on Fecal Scent: Proof of Principle Study

Sofie Bosch, Nora van Gaal, Roy P. Zuurbier, James A. Covington, Alfian N. Wicaksono, Maarten H. Biezeveld, Marc A. Benninga, Chris J. Mulder, Nanne K. H. de Boer, Tim G. J. de Meij

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18 Citations (Scopus)


Background: The diagnostic work-up of pediatric irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and functional abdominal pain-not otherwise specified (FAP-NOS) commonly includes invasive tests for discrimination from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). As this carries a high burden on patients, an ongoing need exists for development of noninvasive diagnostic biomarkers for IBS and FAP-NOS. Several studies have shown microbiota alterations in IBS/FAP, which are considered to be reflected by fecal volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The object of the study was to evaluate whether pediatric IBS/FAP-NOS could be discriminated from IBD and healthy controls by fecal VOC analysis.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2468-2475
JournalInflammatory Bowel Diseases
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 2018

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