E2A proteins are required for proper B cell development and initiation of immunoglobulin gene rearrangements

G. Bain, E. C. Maandag, D. J. Izon, D. Amsen, A. M. Kruisbeek, B. C. Weintraub, I. Krop, M. S. Schlissel, A. J. Feeney, M. van Roon

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E12 and E47 are two helix-loop-helix transcription factors that arise by alternative splicing of the E2A gene. Both have been implicated in the regulation of immunoglobulin gene expression. We have now generated E2A (-/-) mice by gene targeting. E2A-null mutant mice fail to generate mature B cells. The arrest of B cell development occurs at an early stage, since no immunoglobulin DJ rearrangements can be detected in homozygous mutant mice. While immunoglobulin germline I mu RAG-1, mb-1, CD19, and lambda 5 transcripts are dramatically reduced in fetal livers of E2A (-/-) mice, B29 and mu degrees transcripts are present, but at lower levels. In addition, we show that Pax-5 transcripts are significantly reduced in fetal livers of E2A (-/-) mice. These data suggest a crucial role for E2A products as central regulators in early B cell differentiation
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)885-892
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1994

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