Early, minimally invasive closure of anastomotic leaks: a new concept

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Chronic pelvic sepsis after ileoanal or coloanal anastomosis precludes ileostomy closure and, even if closure is ultimately possible, function of the neorectum is badly affected. Early closure of the anastomotic leak might prevent chronic pelvic sepsis and its adverse sequelae. In our experience of early closure in a consecutive group of six patients with a leaking low anastomosis (five with ileoanal pouch anastomosis and one after a low anterior resection), we were able to achieve anastomotic closure in five by means of initial endosponge therapy followed either by early suture (four patients) or endoscopic clip repair (one patient). Early minimally invasive closure of low anastomotic leaks is therefore possible provided that the para-anastomotic cavity is drained well prior to closure and the anastomosis is defunctioned
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)18-22
JournalColorectal disease
Issue numberSuppl. 7
Publication statusPublished - 2011

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