Emergency endovascular treatment of thoracic aortic rupture in three accident victims with multiple injuries

Denise Nio, Patrick M. Vos, Bas A. J. M. de Mol, Kees J. Ponsen, Jim A. Reekers, Ron Balm

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14 Citations (Scopus)


Purpose: To report an experience with emergency endovascular treatment of traumatic thoracic aortic ruptures in multi-injured patients. Case Reports: Three victims of motor vehicle accidents with multiple head, chest, and abdominal injuries in addition to fractures were treated urgently for thoracic aortic lacerations with transluminal placement of an endovascular graft during the initial emergent laparotomy. In all cases, ruptured visceral organs were treated first and the abdomen closed. Femoral artery access was gained through a cutdown, and the endografts were delivered with no systemic heparinization. The endovascular component of the surgical session took similar to50 minutes. All patients survived to discharge. Two patients are alive at 5 and 12 months with sustained endovascular exclusion of the pseudoaneurysm, but one patient with severe brain damage died 9 months after treatment from respiratory insufficiency. Conclusions: Acute endovascular treatment of thoracic aortic ruptures is feasible and has the advantage of avoiding thoracotomy in otherwise severely injured patients
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)60-66
JournalJournal of endovascular therapy
Issue numberSuppl. 2
Publication statusPublished - 2002

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