Erratum: A new prediction model for ventricular arrhythmias in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (European Heart Journal DOI: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehac180)

J Cadrin-Tourigny, LP Bosman, A Nozza, W Wang, R Tadros, A Bhonsale, M Bourfiss, A Fortier, OH Lie, AM Saguner, A Svensson, A Andorin, C Tichnell, B Murray, K Zeppenfeld, MP van den Berg, FW Asselbergs, AAM Wilde, AD Krahn, M TalajicL Rivard, S Chelko, SL Zimmerman, IR Kamel, JE Crosson, DP Judge, S-C Yap, JF van der Heijden, H Tandri, JDH Jongbloed, M-C Guertin, JP van Tintelen, PG Platonov, F Duru, KH Haugaa, P Khairy, RNW Hauer, H Calkins, ASJM Te Riele, CA James

Research output: Contribution to journalErratum/CorrigendumAcademic

3 Citations (Scopus)


The authors notified the Journal of an error in the ARVC risk calculator, which is discussed in the article. Corrections are required throughout the article and it has been decided to retract the article and replace with a corrected version. The corrections are as follows: 1. The corrected equation: P(VA at 5 years) = 1\u8722-0.8396 exp(LP) (Results, model development) 2. We reported that our model results in a 20.6% reduction of ICD placement compared to the international task force consensus (ITFC) algorithm, while protecting as many patients with VA events. We have corrected this to 20.3% throughout the manuscript. a. Abstract. b. Clinical utility section of results c. Clinical utility section of discussion 3. Corrected Figures 2, 3, 4 and the Summary Figure 4. Supplementary material: corrections to Tables 7, 8 and 9 and Figures 1 and 2 The corrected article is published here

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2712-2712
Number of pages1
JournalEuropean Heart journal
Issue number28
Publication statusPublished - 21 Jul 2022

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