Esophagogastric junction distensibility identifies achalasia subgroup with manometrically normal esophagogastric junction relaxation

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Manometric criteria to diagnose achalasia are absent peristalsis and incomplete relaxation of the esophagogastric junction (EGJ), determined by an integrated relaxation pressure (IRP) >15 mm Hg. However, EGJ relaxation seems normal in a subgroup of patients with typical symptoms of achalasia, no endoscopic abnormalities, stasis on timed barium esophagogram (TBE), and absent peristalsis on high-resolution manometry (HRM). The aim of our study was to further characterize these patients by measuring EGJ distensibility and assessing the effect of achalasia treatment. Impedance planimetry (EndoFLIP) was used to measure EGJ distensibility and compared to previous established data of 15 healthy subjects. In case the EGJ distensibility was impaired, achalasia treatment followed. Eckardt score, HRM, TBE, and EGJ distensibility measurements were repeated >3 months after treatment. 2/mm Hg). A subgroup of patients with clinical and radiological features of achalasia but manometrically normal EGJ relaxation has an impaired EGJ distensibility and responds favorably to achalasia treatment. Our data suggest that this condition can be considered as achalasia and treated as such
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)UNSP e12908
JournalNeurogastroenterology and Motility
Issue number1
Early online date2017
Publication statusPublished - 2017

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