Frequency of Pelvic Lymph Node Metastases and Parametrial Involvement in Stage IA2 Cervical Cancer A Population-Based Study and Literature Review

Hannah van Meurs, Otto Visser, Marrije R. Buist, Fibo J. W. ten Kate, Jacobus van der Velden

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43 Citations (Scopus)


Background: The frequency of lymph node metastases in stage IA2 cervical cancer is reported to range from 0% to 9.7%. Treatment recommendations vary likewise from a cone biopsy to a Wertheim radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymph node dissection. The objective of this study was to gel insight into the true frequency of lymph node metastages and/or parametrial involvement in stage IA2 cervical cancer. Methods: The hospital records of 48 patients with stage IA2 cervical carcinoma who registered from 1994 to 2006 were reviewed, and a literature search was performed. Results: Of 48 registered patients, 14 were confirmed to have stage IA2. No lymph node metastases or parametrial invasion and recurrences were found. The collated literature data showed a risk of lymph node metastases of 4.8% (range, 0%-9.7%). The presence of adenocarcinoma and the absence of lymph vascular space invasion resulted in a low risk on lymph node metastases (0.3% and 1.3%, respectively). Parametrial involvement has not been reported. Conclusions: The risk of he selected patients with stage IA2 cervical cancer oil lymph node metastases is low. In patients with stage IA2 squamous cell cancer with lymph vascular space invasion, a standard pelvic lymph node dissection should be recommended. Parametrectomy should be included if the nodes are positive. In the other patients, the treatment call be individualized and does not have to include lymph node dissection or parametrectomy
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)21-26
JournalInternational journal of gynecological cancer
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2009

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