HCN4 current during human sinoatrial node-like action potentials

Maaike Hoekstra, Antoni C. G. van Ginneken, Ronald Wilders, Arie O. Verkerk

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10 Citations (Scopus)


Background: Despite the many studies carried out over the past 40 years, the contribution of the HCN4 encoded hyperpolarization-activated ‘funny’ current (If) to pacemaker activity in the mammalian sinoatrial node (SAN), and the human SAN in particular, is still controversial and not fully established. Objective: To study the contribution of If to diastolic depolarization of human SAN cells and its dependence on heart rate, cAMP levels, and atrial load. Methods: HCN4 channels were expressed in human cardiac myocyte progenitor cells (CMPCs) and HCN4 currents assessed using perforated patch-clamp in traditional voltage clamp mode and during action potential clamp with human SAN-like action potential waveforms with 500–1500 ms cycle length, in absence or presence of forskolin to mimic β-adrenergic stimulation and a −15 mV command potential offset to mimic atrial load. Results: Forskolin significantly increased the fully-activated HCN4 current density at −140 mV by 14% and shifted the steady-state activation curve by +7.4 mV without affecting its slope. In addition, forskolin significantly accelerated current activation but slowed deactivation. The HCN4 current did not completely deactivate before the subsequent diastolic depolarization during action potential clamp. The amplitude of HCN4 current increased with increasing cycle length, was significantly larger in the presence of forskolin at all cycle lengths, and was significantly increased upon the negative offset to the command potential. Conclusions: If is active during a human SAN action potential waveform and its amplitude is modulated by heart rate, β-adrenergic stimulation, and diastolic voltage range, such that If is under delicate control.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)105-118
Number of pages14
JournalProgress in biophysics and molecular biology
Early online date2021
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2021


  • Action potential clamp
  • Heart rate
  • Human
  • Hyperpolarization-activated current
  • Sinoatrial node
  • β-adrenergic stimulation

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