HIV-antibody seroconversions in Dutch haemophiliacs using heat-treated and non heat-treated coagulation factor concentrates

T. F. Wolfs, C. Breederveld, W. J. Krone, L. van den Hoek, M. Bakker, L. Smit, J. Goudsmit

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A national multicentre study was performed to investigate the effects of donorselection and the use of heat-treated plasma products on seroconversion to HIV in 157 Dutch haemophiliacs. All patients included in the study were seronegative for HIV antibodies in 1983. Thirteen percent (20/157) seroconverted between 1983 and 1986. Nineteen of 20 seroconversions could be related to the use of non heat-treated products in the year preceding HIV antibody seroconversion. One seroconversion occurred in a person using heat-treated non donor screened product. Seroconversion rate decreased as a result of the policy to discourage high risk blood donors and no seroconversions were observed following the introduction of donor screening in 1985
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)396-399
JournalThrombosis and haemostasis
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1988

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