‘I am not poor. Poor children live in Africa’: Social identity and children's perspectives on growing up in contexts of poverty and deprivation in the Netherlands: Social identity and children's perspectives on growing up in contexts of poverty and deprivation in the Netherlands

A. Sarti, I. Schalkers, C. Dedding

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

8 Citations (Scopus)


This study focuses on problems children living in contexts of poverty face in daily life and how they perceive poverty. Findings are based on research with children (8-12 years) from impoverished areas in the Netherlands. Besides the problems as identified by the children, such as the poor quality of playgrounds and the lack of money for activities, we identified a striking paradox, namely the taboo on or denial of poverty versus the pervasiveness of poverty. To understand and handle this contradiction, we reflect on representation of children growing up in contexts of poverty through a social identity framework.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)535-545
Number of pages11
JournalChildren & Society
Issue number6
Early online date21 Aug 2014
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2015


  • Child participation
  • Child poverty
  • Lifeworld
  • Representation in research
  • Social identity
  • Taboo on poverty
  • Wealthy countries

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