Image analysis and image processing as tools to measure initial rates of enzyme reactions in sections: distribution patterns of glutamate dehydrogenase activity in rat liver lobules

A. Jonker, W. J. Geerts, R. Charles, W. H. Lamers, C. J. van Noorden

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To analyze regional differences in the activity of glutamate dehydrogenase in rat liver in situ, we developed an image recording and processing system for monitoring the formation of a colored final reaction product in time. All absorbance measurements of test and control reactions in time in consecutive sections were used to fit the data to a quadratic curve, with the derivative at t = 0 representing the initial velocity of formazan formation. The images of sections incubated for test and control reactions were topographically matched with an affine transformation using the positions of vessels as fiducials. Specific enzyme activity was calculated by subtracting the coefficients representing the initial velocity at corresponding locations in the test and control reactions and appeared to be 8 and 4 mumoles glutamate converted per min per cm3 of tissue at 20 degrees C in pericentral and periportal zones of fasted female rats, respectively. Those values are in agreement with biochemical data. The ability to construct two-dimensional images of cellular distribution patterns of enzyme activity in liver lobules is particularly useful for the study of metabolic zonation in this organ
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1027-1034
JournalJournal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 1995

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