In vivo IIX and IIB fiber recruitment in gastrocnemius muscle of the rat is compartment related

C. J. De Ruiter, P. E.M.H. Habets, A. De Haan, A. J. Sargeant

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The purpose of the present study was to investigate to what extent fast- twitch IIX and IIB fiber recruitment was related to the natural existing muscle compartments (subvolumes of muscle innervated by different primary nerve branches) in rat medial gastrocnemius. Three groups (n = 6) of rats trotted on a motor-driven treadmill (20° incline) at different speeds. A fourth group served as controls, and a fifth group received in situ electrical stimulation of all medial gastrocnemius muscle fibers. Postexercise glycogen levels (periodic acid-Schiff staining intensities) were made. Running caused more and in situ stimulation caused less glycogen breakdown in the proximal IIX and IIB fibers compared with the fibers of the same type in the most distal compartment. Furthermore, the boundaries of the most distal compartment could often be recognized in the periodic acid- Schiff-stained cross sections. It was concluded that during running the proximal IIX and IIB fibers were recruited to a greater extent (and at lower treadmill speeds) compared with the distal IIX and IIB fibers, respectively.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)933-942
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of Applied Physiology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Aug 1996


  • fast-twitch fibers
  • skeletal muscle

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