INSPIRE Checklist for the development and implementation of initiatives to foster responsible research practices

F Blom (Photographer)

Research output: Web publication or non-textual formDesignAcademic


This checklist was developed as part of the INSPIRE project* to support the development and implementation of initiatives that aim to foster responsible research practices, and to assist the documentation and dissemination of the initiative. The checklist can be used for new initiatives as well as for revisions.

The checklist consists of two parts: Assessment and Classification.
The assessment of initiatives is split into two domains: Potential effectiveness and Potential to be implemented. For both domains two indicators are defined. For each indicator several desirable traits are listed. Additionally, some suggestions to consider for future progress and sustainability of the initiative are listed.
The classification part starts with four categories that are used in the spectrum of initiatives that resulted from the INSPIRE project, shared on The Embassy of Good Science. To assist the documentation of initiatives, a list of categories follows, that might give inspiration on what to take into consideration in the development process, assisting you to have thought of all potentially relevant aspects. This part may also help others who might be inspired by your example and wish to implement it in another institute. Topics addressed in this section of the checklist will benefit the selection of relevant initiatives to those who wish to implement one.

* INSPIRE project: Inventory in the Netherlands of Stakeholders’ Practices and Initiatives on Research Integrity to set an Example. VU University 2018-2020. Funded by ZonMw.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2020

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