Is the sleep-deprivation EEG a burden for both child and parent?

Sanne L. Nijhof, Annelies L.M. Bakker, Onno Van Nieuwenhuizen, Kim Oostrom, Alexander C. Van Huffelen

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

    8 Citations (Scopus)


    Background and Purpose: Inducing sleep deprivation is supposed to increase interictal epileptic discharges on EEGs from children suspected of having epilepsy. Although it is supposed that depriving a child from sleep is a burden for both child and parent, this assumption has not been investigated in any study so far. Methods: To analyze the perception of the sleep deprivation procedure, we developed two questionnaires, one for the parent and one for the child over ten years of age at the time of the SDEEG. These questionnaires were sent to parents of all 179 patients and 47 children (older than ten) from which a SDEEG was obtained because of suspected epilepsy. A total of 103 questionnaires were returned by the parents and 18 by the children. The extent to which the SDEEG turned out to be inconvenient was assessed with regard to issues that covered the psychological and physical impact of the SDEEG. Results: Our results showed that the whole procedure of the SDEEG proved to be a burden for 18.6% of the parents and 23.5% of the children. 49.6% of the parents reported complaints including their child- like fatigue, illness and in 2 cases even an increase in seizure frequency. Overall, 47.1% of the children described having symptoms the next day. These consisted mainly of fatigue. Conclusion: Our survey shows that the SDEEG places a notable burden on both parent and child. This should be taken into consideration before requesting an SDEEG.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1328-1329
    Number of pages2
    Issue number8
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2005


    • Burden
    • Children
    • Epilepsy
    • Parent
    • SDEEG
    • Sleep-deprivation EEG

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