Length-force characteristics of the aponeurosis in the passive and active muscle condition and in the isolated condition

C. J. Zuurbier, A. J. Everard, P. van der Wees, P. A. Huijing

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Length behaviour of the entire and designated parts of the proximal aponeurosis of the unipennate gastrocnemius medialis (GM) muscle of the rat was examined at muscle lengths ranging form muscle slack length to 4 mm above muscle optimum length in the passive and active (isometric contractions) muscle condition (n = 13). In addition, length-force characteristics of the aponeurosis in the isolated condition were determined (n = 6). Going from muscle slack length to 4 mm above muscle optimum length, the relative extension (relative to the length at muscle slack length) yielded the following results: 14.3% for the entire aponeurosis, 9.8% for the most proximal 25% of the aponeurosis, 3-5% for the middle 50% of the aponeurosis and 52.3% for the most distal 25% of the aponeurosis. Aponeurosis length as a function of aponeurosis force was significantly shorter in the active compared to the passive or isolated condition for force values within the range of force encountered in all three conditions (0.3-1.0 N); no significant difference was observed between the passive or isolated condition. It is concluded that the extension of the aponeurosis is heterogeneously distributed along its length. Differences in aponeurosis length-force curves between the conditions may be explained in terms of a heterogeneous force distribution within the muscle
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)445-453
JournalJournal of Biomechanics
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1994

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