Niet-antibiotische profylaxe van recidiverende urineweginfecties

M. A. J. Beerepoot, G. ter Riet, A. Verbon, S. Nys, T. M. de Reijke, S. E. Geerlings

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleProfessional

5 Citations (Scopus)


Urinary-tract infections (UTIs) occur frequently and hence have significant financial implications. Antibiotic prophylaxis can be considered in women with recurrent UTIs. However, frequent exposure to antibiotics can lead to antimicrobial resistance and side effects. The most important steps in the pathogenesis of UTIs are the colonisation and adherence of uropathogens. Lactobacilli impede intravaginal colonisation by competing with uropathogens. Cranberries interfere with the adherence of uropathogens to uroepithelial cells. Therefore, cranberries and lactobacilli are potential alternatives in the prophylaxis of UTIs. Randomised clinical trials comparing these compounds with long-term, low-dose antibiotics for the prevention of recurrent UTIs in women have not yet been conducted. Such a trial has recently been started in The Netherlands: the 'Non-antibiotic versus antibiotic prophylaxis for recurrent urinary-tract infections' (NAPRUTI) study
Original languageDutch
Pages (from-to)541-544
JournalNederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 2006

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