Patient care standards for primary mitochondrial disease: a consensus statement from the Mitochondrial Medicine Society

Sumit Parikh, Amy Goldstein, Amel Karaa, Mary Kay Koenig, Irina Anselm, Catherine Brunel-Guitton, John Christodoulou, Bruce H. Cohen, David Dimmock, Gregory M. Enns, Marni J. Falk, Annette Feigenbaum, Richard E. Frye, Jaya Ganesh, David Griesemer, Richard Haas, Rita Horvath, Mark Korson, Michael C. Kruer, Michelangelo MancusoShana McCormack, Marie Josee Raboisson, Tyler Reimschisel, Ramona Salvarinova, Russell P. Saneto, Fernando Scaglia, John Shoffner, Peter W. Stacpoole, Carolyn M. Sue, Mark Tarnopolsky, Clara van Karnebeek, Lynne A. Wolfe, Zarazuela Zolkipli Cunningham, Shamima Rahman, Patrick F. Chinnery

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175 Citations (Scopus)


The purpose of this statement is to provide consensus-based recommendations for optimal management and care for patients with primary mitochondrial disease. This statement is intended for physicians who are engaged in the diagnosis and management of these patients. Working group members were appointed by the Mitochondrial Medicine Society. The panel included members with several different areas of expertise. The panel members utilized surveys and the Delphi method to reach consensus. We anticipate that this statement will need to be updated as the field continues to evolve. Consensus-based recommendations are provided for the routine care and management of patients with primary genetic mitochondrial disease
Original languageEnglish
JournalGenetics in medicine
Issue number12
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 2017

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